Monday, April 27, 2009

iTraffic - Traffic Awareness

iTraffic Australia has finally hit the App Store. This app is exciting for a bunch of reasons:
  1. First iPhone application explicitly focusing on 'Awareness' - rather than a particular task - I'll blog more on this in the coming weeks as it's an important emerging category of applications.
  2. It's an outcome from Startup Camp Sydney (2). I participated in the weekend and it was an absolute blast with a great range of Sydney software and entrepreneurial types.
  3. My team built this application and business over the weekend, and the same team is still largely responsible for iTraffic Australia (with me acting as advisor, due to my Citrix responsibilities).
  4. I'm going to have the opportunity to talk about why 'Awareness' applicaitons are important at CeBIT Sydney WebForward conference. (I'll also touch on the Citrix Receiver as a critical piece in the iPhone business-readiness puzzle. (built by the Citrix Labs team in Sydney))
Today iTraffic Australia provides audio focused reminders for school zones and traffic delays. Tomorrow ...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the launch! It's great to see a product from StartupCamp actually being taken to market.

Seems I need to install iTunes to have a look at it... hmm...

Michael Harries said...

Thanks Bart,

Thank you for running such a successful and inspiring StartupCamp.
